
Uncovering the Enchanting Melody of “Jamal Kudu” from Animal.

Jamal Kudu is out now. Songs like Nour el ain, Simarik, Jamal Kudu can engage me just like that.

Jamal Kudu from ANIMAL

Some pieces of music have the enchanted power to carry listeners away to a different place while enthralling them on an emotional level. “Jamal Kudu” from the film Animal is one such captivating song that has been gaining popularity and is the most awaited song after the release of the film Animal. This song, with its soul-stirring intensity, has managed to make a name for itself among music lovers.

Well.. Well.. Well.. I am the Dark Knight in this cave called Milky way.

I am a night person. If you sleep at night, I will dark knight all over you. The fact that I am posting this after 12 am IST clearly suggests that I am a night person.

Daily writing prompt
Are you more of a night or morning person?

13 Reasons why people commit Suicide

1 3  R E A S O N S  WHY  >

When people take whole guilty on them and we feel worthless most of the times ..

the more ” if it had beens ‘” -implies “the more pity on our selves ” which implies

” the more we wanna punish our selves” 
every thing is so badly connected !cena-banheira
when We sink into that trauma and develop this misconception that neither we nor others can’t change or get out of some bad weight tied or rather chained to our body like a curse .
Children are afraid to tell their secrets to parents NOT because they think parents will take in a bad way BUT instead they think that parents will understand it more deeply and are afraid that could lead to whatever to their parents ..whatever worst ever..


When some bad shit happens to them .they try to avoid it..but they won’t try hard ..that’s why a slight memory of their past will make one feel like its happening ALL OVER AGAIN !(even if its not) Subconscious mind sucks our energy in these cases.

We all are different.. every one of us are good at some or the other thing ..so we all have many opportunities..
you can never confine life or equal our life to even your biggest goals ..but when you do that you will be bombed by yourself ..this is why children who fail in cracking exams think that they made their biggest mistake in their life and want to give their life to pay for it

6 .
When others don’t trust you for what you are actually and totally NOT !!!! 1 evil rumour is enough..it has the power to haunt one to death..

7. lack of maturity !
Maturity ..
Most important and dangerously distinguishing characteristic in people.

We don’t care about death if we don’t know the value of Life.

When even the smallest hope doors are permanently closed  .
(Like even if our only 1 friend also stops believing us and avoids us .) And when our teachers or elders or parents or any loved ones don’t try a little HARD to find what we are hiding..

Bullying ,insulting ,harassing, offending, constant poking will not only affect the person while we poke him but it haunts him, pinches him a lot even after we stop bullying him..
That can lead to trauma and eventually suicidal thoughts especially when mind is filled with a combo of immaturity and weakness.
( some times such people can become killers too ..killing others and then themselves ..)

Our brain is affected if we are mentally sick ..so in such cases our choices which are made by that AFFECTED INFECTED brain..

We  can’t fix something if we don’t know whats broken.
When we try and fail to stop our actual problem we tend to stop everything .. ..worst thing ever..

If at all they have pain that can’t be HIDDEN and at the same time which can’t be SHARED with others..this is when they feel it very hard to live and wants to get away from it in any possible way ..some take drugs and some of them.. well I think you can imagine the worst ..Ma’am

Last but not the least ..
The influence..
Influence from other victims of suicide..
if some suicide news is out and let’s say the reason is stupid..
If a child listens or watches this news then that may invoke the same stupidity in his mind in some some cases..
So whether or not he is broad enough to take it lightly, parents must assure that they will always be there to take care of him and DOES NOT JUDGE HIM for the shit that happens to him..
If we are too much judgemental … that too  to the week people ..finish..
that may end their everything !

  • You know why people remain helpless and feel sorry on hearing our closed ones death and regret that they could have helped or they could have stopped it some how..but couldn’t ..because suicide… it’s not a planned event..every thing appears normal ..ultra-normal sometimes… but there is a bad shit behind it that costs a life..